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Embrace the Love for Your Skin this Valentine's Day

In February, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of Valentine's Day. Amidst the sea of heart-shaped chocolates and roses, why not redirect that love towards yourself? Whether you have exciting plans for a night out, a cozy evening in, or quality time with your friends, or a loved one, make this Valentine's Day all about pampering yourself with some much-needed tender loving care (TLC).

Treating your skin at home:

  1. Double Cleanse: Show your skin some love with a double cleanse. Start with a gentle cleanser to remove the day's impurities, followed by a non-foaming gel cleanser to leave your skin feeling fresh and hydrated.
  2. Exfoliate: After a thorough cleanse, treat your skin to an exfoliating duo for a soft, smooth finish. Mix a glycolic acid gel with a natural scrub to reduce pigmentation, improve texture, and leave your skin feeling softer, smoother and more supple.
  3. Treat: Once your skin is prepped, treat it to a dose of vitamins. Choose a glowing serum with vitamin C, antioxidants, and peptides for a radiant appearance, or opt for a repairing serum with retinol and niacinamide if you're staying in.
  4. Hydrate: Seal in all that love and attention with a moisturizer to keep your skin looking smooth, supple, and soft. Your skin will be the perfect canvas for your Valentine's Day night.

Treat yourself with treatments:

This Valentine's Day, make it a celebration of self-love and radiant skin. Whether you're spending it solo or with loved ones, our experts can help you care for your skin. Schedule an appointment today. 

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